Dorsal root ganglion (DRGs) neurons are somatosensory neurons that reside in ganglions on the dorsal root of the spinal cord. Chick DRG culture is an indispensable model system for studying neurite outgrowth, regeneration, and degeneration, as well as the molecular mechanisms of nociception and myelination in the central and peripheral nervous systems. This protocol provides step-by-step instructions for dissecting and culturing a semi-pure DRG culture.
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Please read the protocol in its entirety before starting.
Note: Aseptic techniques should be used in this cell culture protocol to ensure there is no bacterial, fungal, or mycoplasma contamination. The initial dissection and collection of DRGs can be completed outside of a laminar flow cell culture hood. However, preparation of reagents and cell culture plates, and all steps following tissue harvest should be conducted within a hood. Likewise, all reagents and materials used should be sterile.
Note: Prepare all solutions in a laminar flow cell culture hood.
Note: Preparation of the cell culture plates should be done in a laminar flow cell culture hood.
Note: Soak dissection tools in 70% ethanol for 20–30 minutes to sterilize. Place the tools on a paper towel and let air dry before use.
Note: Do not puncture the outside membrane of the DRGs.
Note: From this point forward, the opening of tubes/plates that contain any tissue, cells, media, or reagents should be done in a laminar flow cell culture hood.
Note: The length of this trypsinization step will vary depending on the number of DRGs that were isolated. The incubation period is over once the DRGs clump together, at which point, the 15 mL conical tube can be removed from the 37 °C water bath.
Note: During this incubation, non-neuronal cells will attach to the bottom of the petri dish while the DRG neurons will remain in suspension.
Note: Do not remove all the media from the wells of the cell culture plate as this will cause stress to the DRG neurons.