Additional Transcription Factor Compounds: Products

"Additional Transcription Factor Compounds" has 17 results in Products.
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YAP inhibitor

GANT 61 

GLI antagonist; inhibits Hedgehog (Hh) signaling

Ro 5-3335 

Core binding factor inhibitor; attenuates hematopoiesis

KJ Pyr 9 

High affinity Myc inhibitor


HSF1 inhibitor


Potent and selective CREB inhibitor


Inhibits c-Myc-Max dimerization

BI 6015 

Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) antagonist

KL 001 

Cryptochrome protein stabilizer; lengthens circadian period


Selective Smad3 inhibitor; inhibits TGF-βR1 signaling

Cytosporone B 

High affinity Nur77 agonist

AS 1842856 

Potent and selective Foxo1 inhibitor; orally bioavailable

SI-2 hydrochloride 

Steroid receptor coactivator 3 (SRC-3) inhibitor

dTRIM 24 

TRIM24 Degrader (PROTAC®)

Ceapin A7 

Selective inhibitor of ATF6α; sensitizes cells to ER stress


YAP inhibitor

TM2 TEAD inhibitor 

Potent and reversible inhibitor of TEAD mediated Hippo/Yap signalling
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