Contact Information

Bio-Techne China Co. Ltd.
tel: 400-821-3475
tel: 800-988-1270
R&D Systems Hong Kong Limited
tel: (852) 26922199
tel: 1-800-343-7475 (free phone)
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IL-33: Products

IL-33 (Interleukin-33) is released from physically damaged or necrotic cells. It triggers Th2-biased immune cell activation at sites of inflammation as well as regulatory T cell and M2 macrophage expansion.

"IL-33" has 2 results in Products.
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Custom Simple Plex™ Assay Panels 

Build your own multi-plex biomarker immunoassay panel for Ella™. Highly precise and reproducible. Choose from more than 250 fully validated target analytes.
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Simple Plex
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