NT-4: Products

Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and Neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) are members of the NGF family of neurotrophic factors that are required for the differentiation and survival of specific neuronal subpopulations. The neurotrophin family is comprised of at least four proteins including NGF, BDNF, NT-3, and NT-4/5.

"NT-4" has 12 results in Products.
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Human Luminex® Discovery Assay 

Recombinant Human NT-4 Protein 

Human NT-4 DuoSet ELISA 

Human NT-4 Antibody 

Human NT-4 Antibody 


Human NT-4 Biotinylated Antibody 


Human NT-4 Antibody 

Recombinant Mouse NT-4 Protein 

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Proteome Profiler Rat XL Cytokine Array 

Contains 4 membranes-each spotted in duplicate with 79 different cytokine antibodies
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