CD4: Products

CD4 is a transmembrane glycoprotein that is expressed predominantly on thymocytes and a subset of mature T lymphocytes. It is a standard phenotype marker for the identification of T cell populations. CD4 is expressed along with CD8 on double positive T cells during their development in the thymus.

"CD4" has 133 results in Products.
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Feline CD4 Antibody 


Human CD4 Antibody 

Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody.
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Cell Depl

Human CD4 Antibody 

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CyTOF-ready, Flow

Human CD4 Antibody 

Human CD4 MAb (Clone 2759D) 

Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody.

Rat CD4 Antibody 

Recombinant Feline sCD4 Protein, CF 

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Recombinant Rat sCD4 Protein, CF 

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Recombinant Cotton Rat sCD4 Protein, CF 

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