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Bio-Techne China Co. Ltd.
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VEGF Receptor Inhibitors: Products

"VEGF Receptor Inhibitors" has 15 results in Products.
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SU 5402 

Potent FGFR and VEGFR inhibitor

SU 5416 

VEGFR inhibitor. Also inhibits KIT, RET, MET and FLT3

ZM 323881 hydrochloride 

Potent, selective inhibitor of VEGFR-2


Potent VEGFR, PDGFR and FGFR inhibitor

Ki 8751 

Potent, selective VEGFR-2 inhibitor


Potent Raf-1 inhibitor; also inhibits VEGFR-2, VEGFR-3, PDGFR-β, Flt-3 and cKIT

EG 00229 trifluoroacetate 

Neuropilin 1 (NRP1) receptor antagonist; inhibits VEGFA binding to NRP1

Sunitinib malate 

Potent VEGFR, PDGFRβ and KIT inhibitor

AP 24534 

Potent multi-kinase and pan-Bcr-Abl inhibitor


Potent VEGFR-1, -2 and -3 inhibitor

AEE 788 

Potent EGFR and VEGFR inhibitor

XL 184 

Potent VEGFR inhibitor; also inhibits other RTKs

Vatalanib succinate 

Potent VEGFR inhibitor; also aromatase inhibitor


Potent inhibitor of VEGFR, PDGFR and FGFR


Potent VEGFR-2 inhibitor, also inhibits EGFR and RET oncoproteins activity
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