SCF/c-kit Ligand: Products


"SCF/c-kit Ligand" has 32 results in Products.
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Human Luminex® Discovery Assay 

Recombinant Human SCF Protein, CF 

Analyzed by SEC-MALS
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Recombinant Human SCF Protein, CF 


Recombinant Human SCF Protein, Animal-Free 

Intended for preclinical researchers who may transition to GMP SCF for their clinical work
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Simple Plex Human SCF/c-kit Ligand Cartridge 

Simple Plex Human SCF/c-kit Ligand assay kit for use on Ella instrument. Contains cartridge, sample diluent SD13, and wash buffer.

Recombinant Canine SCF Protein 

Mouse SCF DuoSet ELISA 

Recombinant Feline SCF Protein 

Canine SCF/c-kit Ligand Biotinylated Antibody 


Recombinant Rat SCF Protein 

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Simple Plex Control for Human SCF/c-kit Ligand 

Control for use with Human SCF/c-kit Ligand Simple Plex Cartridge Kit
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Ctrl, Simple Plex

Human Tumor Biomarker Luminex® Performance Assay 

Custom Simple Plex™ Assay Panels 

Build your own multi-plex biomarker immunoassay panel for Ella™. Highly precise and reproducible. Choose from more than 250 fully validated target analytes.
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Simple Plex

Proteome Profiler Rat XL Cytokine Array 

Contains 4 membranes-each spotted in duplicate with 79 different cytokine antibodies

Recombinant Human SCF GMP Protein, CF 

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Newer Version Available: BT-SCF-GMP
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