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TSG: Products

Twisted gastrulation (TSG) is a secreted, cysteine-rich protein that plays a role in dorsal/ventral patterning in Drosophila and Xenopus by regulating BMP signaling.

Vertebrate TSGs were subsequently cloned in mouse, human, zebrafish and frog. TSG acts as an agonist for BMP signaling by modulating the inhibitory actions of the BMP antagonist, Chordin/Sog, and the cleavage properties of the metalloprotease, xolloid/tolloid. The N-terminal domain of TSG can bind BMP protein directly in vitro and shows BMP antagonist activity.

"TSG" has 7 results in Products.
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Mouse TSG Antibody 

Mouse TSG Biotinylated Antibody 

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Mouse TSG Antibody 


Mouse TSG Biotinylated Antibody 

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