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Bio-Techne China Co. Ltd.
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GSK-3 alpha: Products

GSK-3 is a Ser/Thr kinase first identified as an inactivator of Glycogen Synthase. GSK-3 acts as a multifunctional downstream switch that determines the output of numerous signaling pathways.

"GSK-3 alpha" has 14 results in Products.
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CHIR 99021 

Highly selective GSK-3 inhibitor; acts as Wnt activator

CHIR 99021 

CHIR 99021 synthesized to cGMP guidelines

CHIR 99021 trihydrochloride 

Hydrochloride salt of CHIR 99021 (Cat. No. 4423); selective GSK-3 inhibitor

SB 216763 

Potent, selective GSK-3 inhibitor

SB 415286 

Potent, selective GSK-3 inhibitor

CHIR 98014 

Highly potent and selective GSK-3 inhibitor

AR-A 014418 

Selective GSK-3 inhibitor

A 1070722 

Highly potent, selective GSK-3 inhibitor


Inactive isomer of GSK J1 (Cat. No. 4593)

JW 74 

Wnt pathway inhibitor

AZD 2858 

Highly potent GSK-3 inhibitor; inhibits tau phosphorylation


Potent GSK3 Degrader (PROTAC®)

CHIR 99021 in solution 

Sterile-filtered 10 mM solution of CHIR 99021 pre-dissolved in DMSO
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