Proteome Profiler Antibody Arrays provide a full phosphorylation profile in less time than it takes to perform a traditional Western blot. The phosphorylation profile generated from these arrays could uncover crosstalk between signaling pathways or reveal unexpected, off-target pharmacological effects. The arrays also eliminate the time-consuming gel electrophoresis and protein transfer steps required for a Western blot. If you can collect data from a Western blot, you have the equipment to run an array experiment today!
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The Proteome Profiler Human Phospho-Kinase Array Kit assesses the phosphorylation status of numerous interrelated pathways in response to EGF treatment and reveals the differential effects of a MEK inhibitor. T47D human breast cancer cells were untreated, treated with EGF, or treated with EGF and the MEK inhibitor PD 0325901. Data from the Human Phospho-Kinase Array Kit (A) that demonstrate the ability of the MEK inhibitor to suppress EGF-dependent ERK signaling and reveal a potential off-target increase in Akt phosphorylation were generated in less time than it took to perform a traditional Western blot (B). |
"Using a more quantitative approach, we distinguished a decrease in active ERK1/2 in metastatic cell lines and in fresh liver metastasis suggesting a loss of ERK1/2 activation during UM progression. The latter is unexpected as ERK1/2 activation is generally associated with mitogen signaling and is known to determine malignant potential in vitro." 1- Human Phospho-MAPK Array Kit
"Perhaps the most surprising finding of the current study was the precise selectivity of NFV for inhibition of specific cell-signaling pathways and function outcomes, whereas other pathways/outcomes were left unaffected." 2 - Human Phospho-MAPK Array Kit
"Interestingly, as shown in Figure 7, treatment of mice bearing 366, 608, or 738 tumors with trametinib yielded an increase in AKT2 phosphorylation and a significant inhibition of phosphorylation of ERK1 and p70S6 kinase." 3- Human Phospho-MAPK Array Kit
"Interestingly, tyrosine phosphorylation of PDGFR beta correlated with an upregulation of a gene signature unique to PDGFR beta but is not due to mutational activation, as PDGFR beta cDNAs derived from M229 R5, M238 R1 and Pt48 R are wild type." 4 - Human Phospho-RTK Array Kit (Catalog # ARY001B)
"Surprisingly, we found that ERK phosphorylation (T202/Y204) was decreased in UVA-, UVB-, or SUV-treated N/TERT-1 cells." 5 - Human Phospho-Kinase Array Kit (Catalog # ARY003)
"Besides p38 alpha signaling, JNK signaling was also activated after SUV irradiation and its role in SUV-induced skin carcinogenesis needs to be elucidated in future studies." 5 - Human Phospho-Kinase Array Kit (Catalog # ARY003)
"Surprisingly, in the two clones with identical TCR affinities, 2E2 and 2G1, the differences in NTB-A phosphorylation were particularly prominent.” 6 - Human Phospho-Immunoreceptor Array Kit (Catalog # ARY004)