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AMPA Receptor Agonists: Products

"AMPA Receptor Agonists" has 6 results in Products.
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Selective AMPA agonist; active isomer of (RS)-AMPA (Cat. No. 0169)


Selective AMPA agonist

L-Quisqualic acid 

AMPA agonist; also group I mGlu agonist

2R,6R-Hydroxynorketamine hydrochloride 

Enhances AMPA currents; decreases D-serine (a NMDA co-agonist); lacks ketamine-related side effects

(RS)-AMPA hydrobromide 

Selective AMPA agonist; more water soluble form of (RS)-AMPA (Cat. No. 0169)

2S,6S-Hydroxynorketamine hydrochloride 

Decreases D-serine (a NMDA co-agonist); antidepressant
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