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Bio-Techne Corporation
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Ras GTPase Inhibitors: Products

Ras GTPases are prototypical members of the RAS superfamily.

"Ras GTPase Inhibitors" has 7 results in Products.
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Zoledronic Acid 

Potent farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) synthase inhibitor

Fendiline Hydrochloride 

Inhibits KRas localization to the plasma membrane; also L-type calcium channel blocker

GNF 7 

Ras signaling inhibitor; inhibits Ack1 and GCK

ML 210 

Selectively kills mutant HRAS-expressing cells; glutathione peroxidase inhibitor; induces ferroptosis


Leucyl-tRNA synthase (TRS)/Ras-related GTP-binding protein D (RagD) interaction inhibitor

MRTX 849 

Mutation-selective inhibitor of KRASG12C

AMG 510 

Potent and selective KRASG12C inhibitor
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