TAFA3/FAM19A3: Products
TAFA3, also known as FAM19A3, is a member of the FAM19/TAFA family of proteins that are differentially expressed in the brain. Human TAFA3 is 133 amino acids (aa) in length with a predicted molecular weight of 14 kDa. A second alternatively spliced isoform has also been identified. Human TAFA3 shares 86% aa sequence identity with the mouse ortholog. Similar to chemokine ligands, TAFA3 contains a conserved CC motif, and it appears to be distantly related to CCL3/MIP-1alpha. In the mouse brain, TAFA3 is expressed in the hypophysial pars tuberalis, which is an important interface between neuroendocrine brain centers. Its expression has been shown to be regulated by melatonin.
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