Blogs for April 2017

Travel Grant Recipients to ISSCR 2017 Announced

Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 13:27
isscr travel grant winners

The International Society of Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting is the largest scientific conference focusing on stem cell research. This year, scientists from around the world will gather in Boston, MA from June 14-17, 2017, for the 15th...

Emerging Targets for Cancer Immunotherapy Research

Tuesday, April 18, 2017 - 09:27
Emerging Targets for Cancer Immunotherapy Research

The most successful strategies for cancer immunotherapy have focused on targeting the T cell co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory molecules that regulate T cell activation. Monoclonal antibodies directed against the T cell co-inhibitory receptors, CTLA-4 and PD-1 have been shown to have potent anti-tumor effects, suggesting that other immune checkpoint regulators may also serve as immunotherapeutic targets. CTLA-4 and PD-1 are members of the CD28 family and they each bind...

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for Cell Therapy Manufacturing: What does this mean?

Friday, April 14, 2017 - 14:29
gmp cytokines and growth factor use in cell therapy process


Several suppliers, including R&D Systems, offer growth factors and cytokines made specifically for culturing cells that will be used for cell therapy. They are only to be used during the cell culture process and residual protein is washed away before the cells actually come into contact with a patient. These reagents are commonly referred to as GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), a term that has traditionally been reserved for materials made with oversite from federal regulatory authorities like the FDA. Despite the...

Bio-Techne Go Everywhere Travel Grant – March Recipient Selected!

Thursday, April 13, 2017 - 09:55
Bio-Techne travel grants

Bio-Techne launched its Go Everywhere Travel Grant Program which awards $1000 USD (or equivalent) to 1 researcher each month to attend the meeting of their choice. This grant program allows the researcher to attend more targeted meetings in their field and provides funding to support both small and large scientific associations that promote discovery and collaboration.

The recipient of the March 2017 grant is Ken Hayama, a PhD Candidate at the University of California, Irvine!

Mr. Hayama works in the laboratory of Dr. Michael Demetriou for over three years. He has chosen to attend The American Association of Immunologists...

Isolation and Culture of Primary Cells from Bone Marrow

Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - 15:03

Paul Maye, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut Health Center

Bone marrow stromal cells have been one of the more intensively studied adult stem cell types over the past 50 years. There is great interest within regenerative medicine and wound healing for this adult stem cell type because of its complex biological properties including its ability to support a hematopoietic environment, possess anti-inflammatory qualities, and differentiate down multiple lineages. This webinar discusses research that helps us understand their origin, identity, and biological complexity. This includes:

  • Ways to isolate and culture stromal cells.
  • in vitro assays of multipotency.
  • Assays to quantify stromal cells.
  • Benefits of murine transgenic animal models to study stromal cells and...

Stem Cells in the News - April 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017 - 14:56
Stem Cells in the News

We have captured this month's most interesting, innovative, and maybe some of the strangest examples of stem cells in the news from around the world.

New Blood Stem Cells Identified in Mice Lungs - Nature
Scientists at UCSF have identified a previously unknown pool of blood stem cells in the lungs. These cells are capable of restoring blood production when stem cells in the bone marrow are depleted. This study was conducted in mice but has potential human application in lung transplantation success and thrombocytopenia.
