Compounds for Stem Cell Differentiation: Products

Stem cells have the ability to differentiate into specialized cell subtypes depending upon their level of potency. For instance, embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells can give rise to cells of all three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.

"Compounds for Stem Cell Differentiation" has 61 results in Products.
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γ-secretase inhibitor; induces neuronal differentiation; blocks Notch signaling

DMSO, sterile filtered 

DMSO, sterile filtered, wide ranging applications in cell culture, cryopreservation and organic chemistry. Solvent for polar and nonpolar compounds


Adenylyl cyclase activator

LDN 193189 dihydrochloride 

Potent and selective ALK2 and ALK3 inhibitor; inhibits BMP4 signaling; promotes neural induction of hPSCs

Dorsomorphin dihydrochloride 

Potent AMPK inhibitor; also BMP type I receptor inhibitor


Selective ALK2 inhibitor

SP 600125 

Selective JNK inhibitor


Anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid

Retinoic acid 

Endogenous retinoic acid receptor agonist

A 769662 

Potent AMPK activator


Forskolin synthesized to Ancillary Material Grade


PDE inhibitor (non-selective)

PD 173074 

FGFR1 and -3 inhibitor


High affinity PKC activator; also APP modulator


DAPT synthesized to Ancillary Material Grade

Metformin hydrochloride 

Activator of LKB1/AMPK; antidiabetic agent


AMPK activator

2-Phospho-L-ascorbic acid trisodium salt 

Ascorbic acid derivative; maintains differentiation potential in bone marrow-derived MSCs

1-Oleoyl lysophosphatidic acid sodium salt 

Endogenous agonist of LPA1 and LPA2


Smo receptor agonist


Thyroid hormone; also promotes differentiation of oligodendroglial precursor cells

Fluoxetine hydrochloride 

5-HT reuptake inhibitor

CKI 7 dihydrochloride 

CK1 inhibitor

IWP 4 

Potent inhibitor of Wnt/β-catenin signaling

Sodium butyrate 

Histone deacetylase inhibitor


Dual α9β1/α4β1 integrin inhibitor; preferentially mobilizes HSCs

IDE 1 

Induces definitive endoderm formation in mouse and human ESCs

ISX 9 

Neurogenic agent; induces neuronal differentiation of SVZ progenitors and also induces cardiomyogenic differentiation

KY 02111 

Inhibits canonical Wnt signaling. Promotes differentiation of human ESCs and iPSCs into cardiomyocytes

Erlotinib Hydrochloride 

Potent, reversible EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor

LDN 193189 

LDN 193189 synthesized to cGMP guidelines


DNA methyltransferase inhibitor

EC 23 

Synthetic retinoid; induces differentiation of stem cells

CHIR 98014 

Highly potent and selective GSK-3 inhibitor

DMSO, Cell Cryopreserve Grade 

Intracellular cryoprotective agent

A 83-01 

A 83-01 synthesized to Ancillary Material Grade


DNA methyltransferase and cytidine deaminase inhibitor

Thioridazine hydrochloride 

Dopamine receptor antagonist; antipsychotic


Induces neurogenesis in mature skeletal muscle cells


Potently induces chondrogenesis in MSCs

A 939572 

Potent SCD-1 inhibitor

PluriSln 1 

SCD-1 inhibitor

KHS 101 hydrochloride 

Selective inducer of neuronal differentiation in hippocampal neural progenitors


Selective Smad3 inhibitor; inhibits TGF-βR1 signaling

CW 008 

PKA signaling activator; promotes osteogenesis from hMSCs

SW 033291 

High affinity 15-PGDH inhibitor; promotes hematopoiesis and hepatocyte proliferation


NAMPT activator; also proneurogenic and neuroprotective

AS 1842856 

Potent and selective Foxo1 inhibitor; orally bioavailable

Lin28 1632 

RNA binding protein Lin28 inhibitor; promotes mESC differentiation; also bromodomain inhibitor

Sodium Cromoglicate 

Promotes ESCs/iPSCs differentiation into pancreatic endocrine islet cells
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