Quantikine® QuicKit™ ELISAs - Quantikine ELISA Kits

Quantikine ELISA Kits

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Get Quantikine quality in a fraction of the time!

QuicKit ELISAs offer a rapid, simplified, and reliable solution for efficient data generation, producing results in just 90 minutes compared to traditional ELISAs that can take up to 4.5 hours. These ELISAs maintain the high-quality standards of R&D Systems Quantikine ELISAs, ensuring accuracy and reproducibility while streamlining the process with a simplified protocol featuring only one wash step. Their performance remains specific, reproducible, and sensitive, making them a valuable tool for your research.



  • Higher throughput — Results in 90 minutes
  • Simplified protocol — Only 1 wash step
  • Accurate quantitation
  • Long-term consistency and reproducibility
  • Guaranteed supply
  • Highly sensitive


QuicKit ELISA Validated Sample Types

Quantikine QuicKit ELISAs are extensively optimized to reduce matrix effects that are commonly seen with complex sample matrices. The following sample types have been validated for use in these ELISA kits:

  • Serum
  • Plasma
  • Cell Culture Supernates


QuicKit ELISA Kit Components

These colorimetric ready-to-use ELISAs come with all components necessary to run your assay. Kit contents may vary slightly. Please refer to product-specific inserts for a complete list of contents for each individual assay:

  • Anti-Tag coated plate
  • Tag-conjugated capture antibody concentrate
  • HRP-conjugated detection antibody concentrate
  • Assay Diluent
  • Calibrator Diluent
  • Standard
  • 25X Wash Buffer
  • Substrate
  • Stop Solution


ELISA Assay Principle

These assays utilize an anti-tag coated microplate. Standards, samples, and controls are added to plate, followed by subsequent addition of an antibody cocktail. Following a 1 hour incubation, plates are washed and substrate is added and incubated for 20 minutes. Stop solution is then added and plates are read using a standard microplate reader.

In an ELISA assay, the antigen must be immobilized to a solid surface. The antigen is then complexed to a detection antibody conjugated with a molecule amenable for detection such as an enzyme or a fluorophore.
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Data You can Trust

Although Quantikine® QuicKitTM ELISAs produce results in a fraction of the time of traditional ELISAs, quality data is not sacrificed for speed. QuicKits maintain similar standards for quality that you have come to expect from the gold-standard Quantikine ELISA brand.


Linearity of Dilution

Linearity of dilution is a hallmark of the R&D Systems® Quantikine® ELISAs and QuicKits are no exception. Linearity is important for assessing matrix effects, confirming that the QuicKitTM ELISA accurately measures sample values. Poor linearity of dilution or extreme deviation from 100% indicates that matrix effects can artifactually enhance or interfere with analyte detection.

 IL-18 spike linearity with R&D Systems 100%, Brand A varies 150%-200%
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Figure 1. The IL-18 Quantikine® QuicKitTM ELISA has superior linearity to Brand A. At dilute concentrations, Brand A is susceptible to matrix effects.

IP-10 Spike Linearity - R&D Systems 100%, Brand A 125%-175%
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Figure 2. The R&D Systems® IP-10 Quantikine® QuicKitTM has superior linearity to the Brand A counterpart.


G-CSF Spike Linearity - R&D Systems 100%, Brand A 140%-220%.
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Figure 3. The R&D Systems® G-CSF Quantikine® QuicKitTM has superior linearity to the Brand A counterpart.



Spike and Recovery

In spike and recovery experiments, natural samples are spiked with the recombinant target analyte of interest to identify interference caused by sample matrices. Matrix effects occur when a substance in the sample interferes with the accurate detection of a target analyte. Matrix effects are caused by biological phenomena such as non-specific antibody binding, antibody cross reactivity or interference. Spike and recovery experiments are an important tool for assessing the accuracy of your measurement.

IL-18 Spike Recovery (serum, EDTA Plasma and Heparin Plasma)- R&D 78%-89%, Brand A 60%-62%.
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Figure 4. R&D Systems IL-18 Quantikine® QuicKitTM ELISAs have superior recovery to Brand A in serum and plasma.

TNF-alpha Spike Recovery (serum, EDTA Plasma and Heparin Plasma)- R&D 100%-115%, Competitor 60%-78%.
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Figure 5. R&D Systems TNF-alpha Quantikine® QuicKitTM ELISAs have superior recovery to Brand A in serum and plasma.


All ELISA Kits and Services

R&D Systems has been developing ELISA kits for over 30 years. We have a wide range of assays available, from our Quantikine colorimetric ready-to-use kits to our DuoSet Development ELISAs, spanning 12 different species and over 700 different targets. Still can’t find what you are looking for? We also use our development expertise to develop custom ELISA kits.

ELISA Selection Guide

Not sure which ELISA kit you need for your research? Use our handy immunoassay selection tool to help you narrow down the ELISA kit that is right for you.

ELISA Kit Resources