Fluorescent Probes: Products
"Fluorescent Probes" has 83 results in Products.
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Brain penetrant fluorescent amyloid β probe. Used for: detection and quantification of plaques, tangles and cerebrovascular amyloid. Application: confocal microscopy, suitable for in vivo imaging
Flutax 1
Green-fluorescent taxol derivative; binds microtubules. Used for: imaging microtubules in live cells. Application: Fluorescent microscopy
Fluorescent mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide indicator. Used for: live cell imaging. Application: confocal microscopy
GFP fluorophore mimic for imaging RNA in living cells; activated by binding Spinach2 and Broccoli aptamers
Calcein AM
Cell permeable non-fluorescent compound; green-fluorescent in living cells once hydrolyzed. Used for: cell tracing and cell viability monitoring. Application: fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry
Green-fluorescent cytoskeleton stain. Binds and labels F-actin. Used for: F-actin staining. Application: fluorescent microscopy, immunofluorescence (IHC, ICC)
Thioflavin T
Cell-permeable fluorescent amyloid stain. Used for: in vitro Aβ staining in brain tissues.
K 114
Amyloid fibril-specific fluorescent probe. Used for: amyloid fibril detection. Application: fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy
Near-infrared probe that detects Aβ40 aggregates. Used for: amyloid-β detection in vitro and in vivo. Application: fluorescence microscopy, epifluorescence microscopy
SynaptoRedTM C2
Fluorescent dye. Used for: synaptic vesicles staining. Application: fluorescence microscopy
GFP fluorophore mimic for imaging RNA in living cells; activated by binding Spinach2 and Broccoli aptamers
Red-orange fluorescent cytoskeleton stain. Binds and labels F-actin. Used for: F-actin staining. Application: fluorescent microscopy, immunofluorescence (IHC, ICC)
Flutax 2
Green-fluorescent taxol derivative; binds microtubules. Used for: imaging microtubules in live cells, isolated cytoskeletons and microtubule suspensions
Taxol Janelia Fluor® 646
Red-fluorescent taxol derivative. Used for: microtubule staining. Application: confocal microscopy, fluorescence microscopy; protocol available
Taxol Janelia Fluor® 549
Yellow-fluorescent taxol derivative. Used for: microtubule staining. Application: flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, super resolution microscopy
7-Aminoactinomycin D
Red-fluorescent DNA stain, membrane impermeant to live cells. Used for: apoptosis detection, cell viability staining. Application: flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy
Fluorescent HIF-1α peptide; can be used to evaluate the effect of VHL binding on degradation activity
Taxol Janelia Fluor® 526
Green-fluorescent taxol derivative; binds microtubules. Used for: microtubules imaging. Application: confocal microscopy, super resolution microscopy. Suitable for live cell imaging
Red-fluorescent mitochondrial superoxide indicator. Used for: live cell imaging. Application: confocal microscopy, flow cytometry
Cy5B-trisulfo, NHS
Restricted conformation cyanine dye with high quantum yield and long fluorescence lifetime for advanced microscopy applications
Orange fluorescent benzoselenadiazole D-amino acid (FDAA) for imaging bacteria; also photosensitizer